圣诞系列之可爱姜饼人 ♥
不知道大家还记不记得姜饼人的故事呢?其实我都快忘记了,只好从google翻出来 XD
以下是姜饼人故事的省略版 xD
有一天,老妇人烘了一个姜饼人,在出炉的时候姜饼人为了不被老妇人吃掉而逃跑, 一面逃跑一面喊 'Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!' 一路上被好几只动物追了好久,终于到了一条河。在河边姜饼人遇到一只狼,由于不会游泳,姜饼人只好要求坐上狼的背后渡河。当狼和姜饼人顺利渡过河后,却一口气把姜饼人咬成两半,吃进肚子里。小时候看到这样的悲剧故事觉得有点恐怖,因为姜饼人不但没有顺利逃跑,还误信坏人跌入陷阱里,这就是我们所说的【死不瞑目】 XD 小姜饼人烘烤出来不逃跑又会被老妇人吃,逃跑后还是不幸地被狼吃进肚子,那我觉得它干脆还是别逃跑~乖乖被人类吃进肚子里比较幸福 XD (邪恶笑)
(After bake/ 烘烤之后)
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这次的文章主要还是要宣传我的姜饼人,目的是要在Aspiring Baker 活动参一份,之前错过了很多次的活动,这次的我终于有时间,也有这个能力参加了,是件值得让我开心的事情。我想我可以把可爱的姜饼人摆上台,不求大家喜欢,只求大家的支持 :D
因为这月份的Aspiring Baker 活动很特别,竟用投票方式来决定谁可以拿到主办者的大礼,之前的都是用generator来随机选得奖者,这次的是靠盆友们的投票支持,真是有够看头的啦!
Sugar Syrup 300g
Glucose 100g
Sugar 300g
Water 80g
All Purpose Flour 1000g
Ammonium Bicarbonate 10g
Sodium Bicarbonate 12g
Cinnamon 8g
Ginger Powder 8g
All Spice Powder 8g
Eggs 220g
1. Melt honey, glucose, sugar and water in a bowl, cool it down and transfer to a mixing bowl.
2. Sift flour with ammonium,sodium bicarbonate,cinnamon, ginger and all spice. These are added to sugar and mixed on 1st speed for 1 min. At the same time, eggs are added.
4. After the ingredients are all well combined, rolled the dough about 4-4.5mm and cut out using gingerbread cutter.
5. Bake at 180'C , 10 mins till golden brown.
1. Make hole on the dough and rest for about 15 mins, milk wash before bake in the oven.

The decorations on the gingerbread are made from marzipan :)
Also, you can pipe the outline and details using royal icing, just like this
是不是很简单又好看呢? 在这个圣诞节,大家也可以做做看 :)
Simple and nice decorations right? You can make it too!
Lets make gingerbread man with your family, children at home!
Wish you all Meeerrry Christmass :DD
Simple and nice decorations right? You can make it too!
Lets make gingerbread man with your family, children at home!
Wish you all Meeerrry Christmass :DD
I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #14: Creative Christmas Bakes (December 2011), hosted by Hankerie.
Wow, it looks sooo cute!~ :D
Thank you for the information, Your information is very helpful for us
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